Complete diet food with animal monoprotein recipe in pate for cats with maldigestion and malabsorption
Exclusion Monoprotein Veterinary Diet Formula Intestinal is a diet food with a monoprotein formulation, made with a single alternative animal protein source and other innovative ingredients, all preserved with natural tocopherols; it is the nutritional solution for veterinarian looking to provide specific nutritional support for cats with maldigestion and malabsorption.
Characteristics: Exclusion Monoprotein Veterinary Diet Formula Intestinal is a complete adult cat diet food formulated to reduce intestinal absorptive disorder and to compensate maldigestion. This complete diet food is highly digestible with increased sodium and potassium.
Instructions: reduction of intestinal absorptive disorders and compensation for maldigestion.
Supporto nutrizionale per gatti con maldigestione e malassorbimentoMONOPROTEIN FORMULA
Una sola fonte proteica animale per ridurre al minimo il rischio di intolleranze alimentari e ingredienti disidratati per un maggior apporto di nutrienti1+1
Formulato con un’unica fonte proteica animale e un’unica fonte di carboidratiCELL OXIDATIVE DEFENSE
ß-carotene, Vitamine E e C, che proteggono le cellule dai radicali liberiFIBRE MIX
Miscela bilanciata di fibra solubile e insolubile, che riequilibra il transito intestinale, trattenendo l’acqua in eccessoMICROBIOME PLUS
FOS, MOS e GOS per promuovere la salute intestinaleEPA + DHA
Acidi grassi Omega-3 per modulare il processo infiammatorio favorendo il benessere generaleNATURAL PRESERVATION
Contiene antiossidanti naturali per preservare l’alimento dal danno ossidativoINTESTINAL
Nutritional support for cats with gastrointestinal disease, maldigestion and malabsorptionMONOPROTEIN FORMULA
Single animal protein source to minimize the risk of food intolerances and dehydrated ingredients for a greater supply of nutrients1+1
Formulated with a single dehydrated animal protein source and single carbohydrate sourceCELL OXIDATIVE DEFENSE
ß-carotene, Vitamins E and C to protect cells from free radicalsFIBRE MIX
Balanced blend of soluble and insoluble fibre, which rebalances intestinal transit, holding back excess waterMICROBIOME PLUS
FOS, MOS e GOS to promote intestinal healthEPA + DHA
Omega-3 fatty acids to modulate the inflammatory process favoring general wellbeingNATURAL PRESERVATION
Natural antioxidants to preserve food from oxidative damage
Feeding instruction: it is recommended that advice from a veterinarian be sought before use. Feed the correct daily amount shown below according to cat’s size as the only food source.
Recommended use time: initially up to 12 weeks.

Ingredients & Nutrition
Vit. A 2.250 U.I., Vit. D3 80 U.I., Vit. E 70 mg, Vit. C 23 mg, DL-methionine 20 mg, taurine 200 mg, selenised yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC R397, inactivated (selenium 0,02 mg), zinc chelate of amino acids hydrate (zinc 4,5 mg), iron (II) chelate of amino acids hydrate (iron 1,5 mg), potassium iodide (iodine 0,2 mg), copper (II) chelate of amino acids hydrate (copper 0,36 mg), manganese chelate of amino acids hydrate (manganese 1,2 mg)
- 8%crude protein
- 4%crude fats
- 1,5%crude ash
- 1,5%crude fibre
- 81%moisture
- 0,2%calcium
- 0,17%phosphorus
- 0,2%potassium
- 0,15%sodium
- 0,01%magnesium
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